Board Committees

Finance Committee

To oversee the School's stewardship of its financial resources, monitor and evaluate School-wide economic and financial activities, establish sound financial strategies, actively oversee the budgeting process and ensure that the School has in place a prudent investment policy designed to meet the School's investment objectives within an evolving economic and financial context.

Policy & Governance Committee

To provide recommendations concerning Board policies. Represent a particular cross-section of concerned and involved parents and provide forum for the expression of their views to enrich the decision-making process of the School.

Facilities Committee

Oversee CMS facilities operations and optimize spending, and improve the quality of the structures to ensure an optimal environment for education and development.

Development Committee

To conceive, promote and implement special programs that generate financial support for the school, to promote activities that encourage volunteer involvement, and to ensure the development of an informed and supportive constituency and public.

Merit & Need-Based Scholarship Committee

CMS believes that the creation of a Merit and Need-Based (MNB) Scholarship Program will further the School’s mission of instilling a passion for learning, building character, and inspiring civic and social responsibility, as well as preparing students to become leaders of a multicultural, global society. To this end, MNB Scholarships shall be provided to highly motivated and talented low-income Dominican students who, for financial reasons, could not otherwise attend CMS.

Scholarship Committee

​To ​provide financial support for existing CMS families with temporary financial needs.


Gabriela Lantigua
Board of Directors Assistant
809-947-1000 Ext. 1092