Teaching & Learning

Mona Fairley-Nelson

Deputy Head of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment

A Gigantic CMS Welcome!  

I hope you enjoyed a restful and relaxing summer. Here at CMS, we are thrilled to begin a wonderful new year filled with many opportunities for growth, learning, and cherished memories for all.

As we continually reflect on the feedback received from every member of our community, we continue to work on aligning our approaches to current trends and best practices in education while anticipating the needs of our future students and families. As a school, we have long understood and valued the learning opportunities that arise from an interconnected educational program.  This school year, you will see a continued focus on our never-ending goal of improving access to teaching and learning for every student.

As CMS strives to increase voice and agency in all students, our Core Values and Essential 11 serve as our guiding light towards inclusivity and advocacy. We focus on cultivating service leadership experiences at all educational levels that are rooted in compassion, equity, and humanity for all. Our desire to unite learning vertically and horizontally across disciplines and grade levels challenges students of all ages to create, innovate, and question local and global issues while discovering and enhancing individual passion and talents-whatever they may be.

We urge each of you to take advantage of the opportunities for leadership and service. Strengthen your role as a student and global citizen while building upon a diverse multicultural community-CMS. Challenge yourself to achieve highly successful outcomes as you Care. Connect. Create and Contribute to a better world. We are at the outset of this work and thrilled about what the coming year will bring for our students and school.

While this year will present some new horizons for the school, our commitment to each student and family remains steadfast. Let us begin this school year the same way we do every day with our students, grounded in the vision of Carol Morgan - Founded in Integrity, Focused on Learning.