Working at CMS
Thank you for your interest in the Carol Morgan School. We are always looking for outstanding, innovative, and creative educators and support staff who believe in our school’s approaches, beliefs, and values for our learning community. We recognize that you have choices when considering opportunities, so we look forward to assisting you in your decision.
CMS is a well-established school with more than 85 years of rich history. We have evolved over the years into a dynamic, forward-thinking, collaborative professional opportunity where staff members are valued and respected for their engagement and contributions to our community. Our educators engage with students and one another to support the learning needs of our students, and our support staff fill vital roles in supporting teachers and students as well as our school operations.
Our school has the good fortune of being located in the Caribbean, a tropical climate, where the culture is rich, the quality of life is high, and the travel opportunities to gorgeous locations is plentiful. Our location provides a wonderful balance to professional life where you will find a warm culture that regularly engages in laughter and dance and enjoys company with those in our community alongside amazing food.
CMS values the dynamic and realistic approach to learning as reflected in our CMS Beliefs (Mission, Vision, Philosophy, and Profile of a Graduate). Our 160+ educators represent a caring and dedicated team of professionals who value collaboration in creating outstanding learning experiences for our students that are grounded in these foundational statements. To support this approach, our educators engage in enriching professional learning opportunities for their own professional growth aligned to experiences that support the unique and individual learning needs of our students. We value the dignity and worth of all students who represent 35 countries, with the Dominican Republic, United States, Spain, Brazil, and Venezuela representing the most students in our school.
CMS is an educational organization focused on continuous improvement seeking to incorporate creative and innovative learning opportunities for our students through Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (MSA) accreditation. Our success in reaching our goals of continuous improvement is supported by our:
Vision of Founded in Integrity, Focused on Learning
Commitment to investing in our educators through professional development aligned with what we believe
Recruitment of educators who believe what we believe
Engagement of staff in leadership opportunities
Alignment of our adopted standards to taught and assessed curriculum
Alignment between school-wide annual goals and student learning goals
Welcoming learning environment from our staff
Partnership with our parents in support of student learning
Valuing the worth and dignity of all in our community
Opportunities to be immersed in the Spanish language and the Dominican culture
We encourage you to spend some time exploring our school through our website to learn more about what is important for us as a learning community and to experience some of what our staff and students are engaged in. Our News Flash blog highlights learning at CMS as well as our community events. Also, please take a minute to watch our school video.
Recruitment Process
Our recruiting approach is to find educators, through as many avenues as possible, who align with our school's beliefs and philosophies. CMS recognizes that the educators who are a part of our school are the most significant resources in successful student learning.
While we are always seeking to connect with outstanding educators, our annual recruiting process starts in mid-October with the completion of our intention survey process for foreign hire staff with confirmed and tentative positions being posted around the third week in October. Foreign hire staff who are offered continued employment are required to return signed letters of intent by mid-November, after which CMS will update all posted positions.
We will post positions on our Open Positions section as well as with AMISA, ISS, Search Associates, and TIE as they become known.
CMS seeks to recruit the best educator for each position while remaining in compliance with the local hiring requirements in the Dominican Republic. When recruiting, our focus is on the candidates who are the right match in terms of philosophical, professional beliefs, and experiences aligning with our learning environment. When considering foreign hire candidates, CMS seeks to hire educator couples as well as single educators.
CMS' commitment to child safety is a priority and will be maintained through a high level of review and confirmation through the advertising, application, interview, and reference check processes and practices. Our processes are aligned with recommendations from worldwide task forces focused on the safest practices for child protection.
Those educators who are motivated and interested in being a part of a team that is on a journey of continuous improvement preparing all students for their unique futures are encouraged to connect with our recruiting team.