
Carol Morgan School libraries are a learning commons for research and inquiry-based education that help forge information literacy skills while also presenting opportunities for students and faculty to work, think and share together. Today’s workplaces and industries are built on the premise of open, malleable spaces where collaboration and “group thinking” can take place. Both the ES and MS/HS libraries adhere to and promote this philosophy in word and in deed. All modern libraries of high quality offer both physical and virtual spaces for users to access services. CMS libraries exceed this standard; our students can access two facilities on the CMS campus and can also connect to a vast number of virtual resources available here.

Elementary School Library

The Carol Morgan School Library’s purpose is to inspire and support its users in creative and intellectual achievement, and to instill the value of information and a love of literacy. In order to support this purpose the library has adopted the curriculum from the American Association of School Libraries. We have adapted the curriculum to fit the needs of our students and support their inquiry. 

The ES Library also houses a collection of over 20,000 titles. The library has books, magazines, multimedia, reference, and an entire Spanish collection available for students. Parents are welcome to check out books and students are welcome in the library before or after school as long as they are accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Secondary School Library

The MS/HS Library is proud to be a modern, comprehensive, and diverse library collection staffed by a professional and courteous desk and housed in a purposefully designed structure that offers a variety of spaces: a quiet reading and study area, a terrace and lounge for socializing and sharing, and a large and malleable area for collaborative work, exhibition or lecture. These areas and the entire library team are at the disposal of our students, parents, and faculty. The depth and breadth of our collection, our on and offline resources, and the physical spaces available for use are all focused on one main goal, to help CMS students to learn, share, and grow.