HS Counseling
Debora Carreras
HS Counselor
Caleb Brown
HS Counselor
The HS Counselors help students select and schedule courses. The course selection process is an important part of the Counselors' involvement in the total educational experience of each student. The Counseling Department is committed to helping all students make the best possible use of their educational opportunities. For each student, this involves an ongoing examination of the self in a changing world. It means carefully selecting courses and then answering the question, "How does it all fit together for me and where do I want to go with it?”
Most students need some help with self-understanding, decision making, and relating to others, as well as with obtaining information about course selection, careers, and further education. This help is offered by Counselors through individual conferences, group discussions and informational programs. It is also the aim of the Counseling Department to work closely with parents, teachers, administrators and others in the school and community. The greater the communication, the more opportunity there is for solving problems that may interfere with the learning process and for expanding resources available to students. This, in turn, enables young people to contribute more fully to the community
The HS Counseling Program Provides:
Academic planning
Social and emotional support
College and career planning
Global perspectives
Carol Morgan School Counseling Program Mission
The Counseling Department at Carol Morgan School collaborates with students, parents, teachers, and the academic leadership team to support all students through a comprehensive and developmental approach that addresses the four domains outlined by the International School Counselor Association – academic, personal/social, career, and global perspective. The well-articulated PK-12 International Model for school counseling provides instruction, support and caring at every level. Services are provided to maximize academic achievement and promote the necessary skills, attitudes, and beliefs for all students to strengthen their unique capabilities and enable them to participate as responsible citizens in a global society.
Debora Carreras
HS Counselor
809-947-1000 Ext. 1003
Caleb Brown
HS Counselor
809-947-1000 Ext.
Maria Guerrero
HS Counseling Assistant
809-947-1000 Ext. 1035